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Writer: Paul D. Zinn, Jr.Paul D. Zinn, Jr.

Updated: Oct 3, 2018

Black and white tree silhouette in fog
I call this one "An Industrious Tree". It is a stitched together photo of a tree on the front lawn of the Gifco (And no, this is not where all the gifs are coming from) I took this photo with my Canon 6D with my Nifty Fifty 50mm F1.8. It is a combination of approximately 50 photos +/- stiched together in photoshop. This photo alone took about 15 minutes to take and about 8 hours to process. But... I LOVE IT!

If you haven't been down to Midlothian, TX before

it is marked on the horizon by a few noteworthy industrial plants that look like spaceships being prepared for launch. Now, if you combine that visual with a thick bed of fog my imagination explodes and I'm filled with a sense of wonder!

I tell ya, fog is something that just captures my imagination and inspires me! The way that the light exploding from the darkness gets accentuated so potently fills me with question marks and drives me to ponder. I think it's just so outlandish, so out of the ordinary! Everyday scenes that we almost take for granted become endowed with an awesome ominous aura!

Black and White Playground in fog
This one was taken out in front of Krave Sandwich Shop in Cedar Hill. It was taken with my Canon 6D MkI and my wide 24mm 2.8 Lens.

I think I love it so much because they remind me of my middle name. "Douglas" is probably my favorite of my four names as far as meaning goes. It is a gaelic name, and means, “from the bloody waters”. Pretty violent huh? But the reason why it means that is because it's a name that speaks of peace that was formed in conflict. the alternate meaning for it is “from the darkness to the light” and I think it really can be summed up by saying either “seeker of the light” or “peacemaker”.

So Douglas means:

"The one who has overcome darkness"

And that is who I am! These photos remind me of that!

Lark Newton Cabin in fog
The Cabin of Lark Newton in Midlothian, TX I took this on the night of the fog with my Canon 6D + Nifty Fifty 50mm F1.8

Thanks for stopping by! Now...

Go be creative!

Paul D. Zinn, Jr.



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